Remove the stress and save time updating your website

A complaint often levied at schools is how out-of-date their website content can be – not to mention how unprofessional an older website design can make them appear.
ConnectUs delivers simple yet beautifully designed school websites. Our technology has been developed to make your new school website as easy to manage as possible, which significantly reduces admin time.
Fully integrated with the School App for Parents, ConnectUs school websites remove the need for double entry of information and ensure your parents are fully informed at all times.
ConnectUs school website key benefits

Easy to use
ConnectUs school websites are incredibly easy to manage and update, meaning you’re always in control.

Our school websites meet Ofsted guidance…phew!

Social media integration
Easily import your Twitter feed to your school website.

Powerful integration
Together with our parental engagement app, ConnectUs helps to radically reduce admin and workload.
SEE how a modern, professional school website you can be proud of has a positive impact on parental perception and engagement.
Simple for your staff to deploy with minimal training required. We can have your school website set up and made live in no time.
Easy for staff to use, ensuring it can be kept up to date and relevant with almost no work at all.
Effective for everyone. Your school website will be automatically updated with key dates, events and you can add news, key information, documents and images to ensure your whole school community is kept informed.

Fully GDPR compliant to ensure all personal data is protected, the website service also meets all OFSTED guidance.